Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 75 - "Dad of the Year"

The song for week 75 is a tad late because I am having technical difficulties with my microphone and had to record the vocals on this using the internal mic on my laptop.  Not the ideal way to record vocals, but with some noise reduction and multitracking effects, it came out alright.  The rough edge actual works pretty well with the blues style of the song.  This song is a silly tribute to Father's Day.

Listen here, fellas.  You know I'm the dad of the year.
Listen here, fellas.  You know I'm the dad of the year.
I've got a hat and mug to prove it so you other dads can just disappear.

Listen here, fellas.  You know I'm the world's best dad.
Listen here, fellas.  You know I'm the world's best dad.
But there's lots of competition so I hope you won't feel so bad.

They set aside a special day in June, as you'll see.
An aisle at the store is dedicated to me.
I get lots of cards and special t-shirts that say,
That I'm the world's greatest dad, so have happy father's day.

Listen here, fellas.  I'm the best dad, you should know.
Listen here, fellas.  I'm the best dad, you should know.
I've got bumper stickers 'cause my kids are on the honor roll.

When your toys get broken, who do you come to see?
I can fix them up and make them good as can be.
I can answer questions 'bout the things you don't know.
And if you don't know why, well then the answer's "because I said so."

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