Saturday, May 10, 2014

Week 123 - The "Want Some Rye?" Rag

This song is based on the Boos Myller scene at the old mill from the 1993 Infocom game "Return to Zork."  Probably the most memorable scene of this long, difficult game.


Who're you?
Don't matter.
Want some rye?
Course you do!

That guy drinks so much, even his plants are potted.

Here's to us.
Who's like us?
Damn few...
And they're all dead!

Want some rye?
Course you do!

Here's to us.
Who's like us?
Damn few...
And they're all dead!

Want some rye?
Course you do!

My, my keys?
Oh, oh, oh, sure, yeah, yeah.
I, I, I'm too drive to drunk.
Oh, would you pick up a six pack while you're out?
I'd be much obliged.

Here's to us.
Who's like us?
Damn few...
And they're all dead!

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