Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week 96 - "Greedo Blues"

I was glad to see Star Wars in the theater in the late 1990s, but I wasn't thrilled with all of the changes.

Why did Greedo have to shoot first?
Why did Greedo have to shoot first?
You tried to improve your movies, George, but you only made things worse.
Oh, why did Greedo have to shoot first?

Why did Han step on Jabba's tail?
Why did Han step on Jabba's tail?
You'd think such a vile gangster would probably have him impaled.
Oh, why did Han step on Jabba's tail?

Why'd you have to go and use CGI?
Why'd you have to go and use CGI?
You probably thought that it looked cool, but it was pretty cheesy to the eye.
Oh, why'd you have to go and use CGI?

Why'd you change the ghost of Anakin?
And replace him with Hayden Christensen?
You know we saw your prequels, George, but we really didn't buy in.
Oh, why'd you change the ghost of Anakin?

George Lucas, now your fans will never trust you.
George Lucas, now your fans will never trust you.
So when they make another Star Wars film,
We'll only see it 27 times instead of 42.
George Lucas, now your fans will never trust you.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 95 - "Old Man of Peru"

This is a song that I composed for a competition for one-minute songs for tenor and piano.  I thought it would be fun to set a limerick since I have never set one before.  The limerick is traditional, but I have written additional lyrics.  (It should be noted that I'm a baritone, so some of this is out of my comfortable range - this is just a demo!)

There was an old man of Peru
Who dreamt he was eating a shoe.
He awoke in the night
With a terrible fright
And found it was perfectly true.
Yes, he found it was perfectly true.

If you ate a shoe do you know what you'd do?
Would you let it pass through or try real hard to spew?
Or maybe you are one of very few who
Don't rue or eschew eating shoes in a stew.

Old man of Peru, just what kind of man were you?

There was an old man of Peru
Who dreamt he was eating a shoe.
He awoke in the night
With a terrible fright
And found it was perfectly true.
Yes, he found it was perfectly true.

Old man of Peru, just what kind of man were you?

Week 94 - "I Met You on Halloween"

Halloween - the holiday for love...  I was going for a cheesy 1950s love ballad feel in 12/8, but mixed in some minor mode stuff for the humorous juxtaposition.

Bbm Gb Cb F7 Bbm Bb Cb F7(b9)

Bb               Gm          Eb      F7
The night that I met you, oh oh, was on Halloween.
You were the scariest of things that I've ever seen.
With all the blood on your face, I knew you were meant for me.
You wore your heart on your sleeve, oh oh, quite literally.

Ref. 1
Gm             Eb           Bb               F7
And I knew for certain, All Hallow's Eve was the night for love.
When satanic demons leave the underworld for the surface above.

Bbm Gb Cb F7 Bbm Gb Cb F7(b9)

When I first looked in your eyes, they fell right out of your head.
Then you let out a blood-curdling scream and it filled my soul with dread.

Ref. 2
I'll never forget the way you smiled as you revved your chainsaw.
And your nightmarish cackle as you chased me down the hall.

Bbm Gb Cb F7 Bbm Gb Cb F7(b9)

What an enchanted night - the unshakable scent of death in the air.
And you looked so beautiful With lizards and spiders crawling in your hair.

The glow of the bonfire, there was love waiting there I could tell.
The devil's own minion's were trying to drag me to hell.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week 93 - "Frau Blucher"

This song is composed of clips from Young Frankenstein.

Frau Blucher: I am Frau Blucher.
(Horses neigh)
Igor: Dr. Frankenstein?
Frankenstein: Fronkensteen.
Igor: You're putting me on.
Frankenstein: No, it's pronounced Fronkensteen.
Igor: Do you also say Froderick?
Frau Blucher: I am Frau Blucher.
(Horses neigh)
Inga: Werewolf!
Frankenstein: Werewolf?
Igor: There.
Frankenstein: What?
Igor: There wolf.  There castle.
Frankenstein: Why are you talking that way?
Igor: I thought you wanted to.
Frau Blucher: I am Frau Blucher.
(Horses neigh)
Frankenstein: Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me! Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!
Frau Blucher: I am Frau Blucher.
(Horses neigh)
Frankenstein: What a filthy job!
Igor: Could be worse.
Frankenstein: How?
Igor: Could be raining.
(Thunder crash, rain begins)
Frau Blucher: I am Frau Blucher.
(Horses neigh)
Frankenstein: It... could... work!